Friday, March 30, 2007

some more pics

Ah...I was least for a couple of minutes

We went to Lake Degray on Monday and Tuesday, and man was it fun! I enjoyed being away from my phone and internet, and missed my scrapbook supplies! I don't know where I would have set them anyway, but theres something comforting about bringing them with I could start on an LO, but then again this was about our family. We haven't done this since last year, and this was important since it's post-husband giving a kidney to his dad and we have to get our lives back to normal(as normal as we can be...LOL). I feel like there was this huge pushpin at that moment(hubby and fil in surgery, month later dh had infection--went back to the hospital) and we haven't been able to move. Now it seems things are getting back to normal...things aren't always punctuated with thoughts of the surgery, and I think it's getting better to deal with it.

We took Sam with us to the Lake, and he had a great time chasing the ducks and they quacked at him, of course who would be scared of a chiuahua? it was funny they would be out in the water being quiet then all of a sudden would start quacking and Sam would have to go to where they were quacking at. I was also trying to get pictures of the yellow tiger swallowtails, and the kids were not my biggest problem, it was Sam! He would sneak up on them when I was taking picture...dern him!

Gavin thought that the coolest thing was when for a split second he thought the sand was edible...the only problem is that sand isn't the best to eat...LOL I got a great picture of Gavin with sand all in his tongue...

Alex was great, she would try to get water and of course Gavin would think that he needed to do that too. I bought the kids some buckets for making sand castles, and their dad was helping them to put them up...Gavin liked kicking his and his sisters...she didn't like that much...LOL

Saturday, March 3, 2007

my first post...yay!

so here it is , my first post...not much going on--guess I need to post a picture--I took this one of Gavin a few days ago...who wouldn't love that cute face??? He is such a Ladie's man...oh my goodness I have my hands full with him--and his sister!